How Offerings Work~

I will post the offering date and time on my Facebook and IG a day or 2 before. When the time arrives; the names, pricing and other details will be revealed. You will send your email with your first/ second choice. Just put the name choices in the subject line and send. The first ones requesting will get the piece. Sorry, I don't mail outside the US.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

February Forest Hags~


Thank you for stopping~
My wee Forest Hags are full of 
woodland magic

Piney is 12 1/2 inches tall
and can hang on a wall.
or prop in a doll chair.
She is paper clay and fabric
than has been aged for an old-world look
and smells of morning coffee.
She carries a 
wee woven wire basket
with preserved 
Sweet Annie,
from my garden.

She is an original piece and will come to you signed and dated.

Piney is
and 12.50
for insured travel
in the continental United States.

Thank You so much, Piney is spoken for~

To contact me for adoption,
please email me at:

These pieces are for display only
and not meant for wee hands. 



My wee Forest Hags are full of 
woodland magic

Fern is 12 inches tall
and can hang on a wall.
or prop in a doll chair.
She is paper clay and fabric
than has been aged for an old-world look
and smells of morning coffee.
She carries a 
wee woven wire basket
with preserved 
Sweet Annie,
from my garden.

She is an original piece and will come to you signed and dated.

Fern is
and 12.50
for insured travel
in the continental United States.
Thank you so much,
Fern is spoken for~
To contact me for adoption,
please email me at:

These pieces are for display only
and not meant for wee hands. 

Ghostie Girl, Twilight Votives

  Welcome to my March Offerings~ Tonight, for your consideration,  I have 4 Twilight Ghostie Luminaries ~Aislynn~ (Spoken for~ thank you) ~~...