How Offerings Work~

I will post the offering date and time on my Facebook and IG a day or 2 before. When the time arrives; the names, pricing and other details will be revealed. You will send your email with your first/ second choice. Just put the name choices in the subject line and send. The first ones requesting will get the piece. Sorry, I don't mail outside the US.

Monday, February 19, 2024

The Mother's Snow



Kannik~ Meaning, Snow
                         Tis spoken for, thank you for stopping


Atsarnik ~ meaning, Northern Lights

                         Tis spoken for, thank you for stopping

The Mother's Snow

are two sisters. 

They are a blend of snow and ancestors,

forest and tundra.

They are made of the magical years spent 

in Goose Bay Labrador.

They are approximately 9 1/2 inches tall.

Their parkas are of wool felt

and the trim and fur

 has been all handstitched on.

There are many hours of love and memories

in each one.

They hang nicely! 

Kannick and Atsanik

are 345.00 each.

Insured travel expenses are 14.75 
in the continental US.
Tis spoken for, thank you for stopping
To contact me for adoption, 
please send an email 
along with the name 
of the piece to:
US sales only, please
Art dolls are for display only and not meant for children's play.

Ghostie Girl, Twilight Votives

  Welcome to my March Offerings~ Tonight, for your consideration,  I have 4 Twilight Ghostie Luminaries ~Aislynn~ (Spoken for~ thank you) ~~...