How Offerings Work~

I will post the offering date and time on my Facebook and IG a day or 2 before. When the time arrives; the names, pricing and other details will be revealed. You will send your email with your first/ second choice. Just put the name choices in the subject line and send. The first ones requesting will get the piece. Sorry, I don't mail outside the US.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Grackle Girls

Good Evening from The Grackle Girls!
Grackles crack me up with their eyes, 
and I love their irredescent heads.
If you know Grackles, 
They come running to any party!
Not only that, 
but they are known to overstay their welcome
bring friends and family!

Spoken for~

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These two ladies are named after beloved family that kept us laughing!

They are approximatley 10 inches tall and can hang.

They are sculpted from Paperclay and are attached to a china doll style body. They have glass bead eyes.

 A beautiful hand made, imported irredescent watercolor creates the gorgeous coloring of their heads.

My original piece will come to you signed and dated.

Each Grackle is
and 14.00 for shipping
in the continental US.
Please specify your choice by name
Both have been spoken for~
Thank you so much!

To contact me for adoption, please email me at:

As with all of the Goode Wife's offerings, they are for display purposes and not for wee hands.

Ghostie Girl, Twilight Votives

  Welcome to my March Offerings~ Tonight, for your consideration,  I have 4 Twilight Ghostie Luminaries ~Aislynn~ (Spoken for~ thank you) ~~...