How Offerings Work~

I will post the offering date and time on my Facebook and IG a day or 2 before. When the time arrives; the names, pricing and other details will be revealed. You will send your email with your first/ second choice. Just put the name choices in the subject line and send. The first ones requesting will get the piece. Sorry, I don't mail outside the US.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

A Fresh, New Start

Our world has changed so much in the past couple years...

I have been mourning the loss of so much.
I kept going to my blog and wanting to 
but it was so hard.
I pondered it over many an afternoon tea
and thought...
perhaps with so many changes, 
a fresh new start would help.
I hope this is a soft place to land here. 
 ...A slow place to enjoy, 
along with a lovely cup of tea


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Ghostie Girl, Twilight Votives

  Welcome to my March Offerings~ Tonight, for your consideration,  I have 4 Twilight Ghostie Luminaries ~Aislynn~ (Spoken for~ thank you) ~~...