How Offerings Work~

I will post the offering date and time on my Facebook and IG a day or 2 before. When the time arrives; the names, pricing and other details will be revealed. You will send your email with your first/ second choice. Just put the name choices in the subject line and send. The first ones requesting will get the piece. Sorry, I don't mail outside the US.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Tea Time~


Welcome to my Sunday Tea~

Joining me today is


She is a sweet snowlady,

 sculpted in Paper Clay 

on a cloth body.

She has glass eyes 

and is a smidge

 over 13 inches tall.

She will come to you signed and dated.

She carries my signature rusty wire basket

 filled with preserved Princess Pine

 and ivory straw flowers.

Claire is $345.00 

Tis spoken for ~ Thank You!


Insured travel expenses are 14.75 
in the continental US.

To contact me for adoption, 
please send an email 
along with the name 
of the piece to:
US sales only please

1 comment:

Ghostie Girl, Twilight Votives

  Welcome to my March Offerings~ Tonight, for your consideration,  I have 4 Twilight Ghostie Luminaries ~Aislynn~ (Spoken for~ thank you) ~~...